Monday, 27 February 2012

PHP vs Java What to Choose for your Career?


Php is a hypertext pre-processor, server-side scripting language developed in the midst of 1994 to 1997 to create dynamic web pages. It was developed as a solution to reduce heavy coding used to output html code. Since, Php code is embedded within HTML with special Php tags the programmer can easily convert from HTML to Php and vice versa. PHP processor module is present within a web-server that interprets its code and embedded within the html source document and generates web pages. Nowadays, Php programming has being considered as a powerful tool for creating interactive web pages which is fast growing.

Green Side of PHP:

PHP has started supporting object-oriented programming from PHP 4 and now there is a marvelous improvement in procedural programming and oops concept at PHP 5.3 which made IDE to support Php development.

Red Side of PHP:

As per the Java developers, PHP is an unstructured and disorganized programming language that doesn't support a good IDE.


Java is a high level object-oriented programming language designed to simplify and eliminate the features that cause programming errors. Java is used in a web page for building small application module that may help the user interact with the page.

Java is used as a web programming language in many corporate companies because their integrated development environment was built up by number of Java developers and fundamentally lock themselves into Java platform.

Green Side of JAVA:

To create a standardized architecture and a complex system Java is said to be the right option. In addition to that Java developers are highly trained experts in OOPS concept and also we do have a pleasant new entry to an open source web world with the open sourcing of Java program.

Red Side of JAVA:

As per the PHP programmer's vision, Java is a highly complex and difficult to use language which requires lot of development time and loading time for a website.


PHP is advanced in scalability and development speed since there is no pre compilation required while the Java stands high for the variable tool strength and maintainability since past. Hence both are equals but, the corporate will adopt PHP to build their IDE when there is an increase in large number of PHP Programmers as like Java programmers.

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